Education & Inspiration
Bringing astronomy to a global audience
News: Seeking CubeSats for Education
NASA has put out a call for education-related proposals for its CubeSat Launch Initiative. Proposals are due November 15, and NASA expects to make selections by March 14, 2025.
News: Translating Data into Sound Aids Learning
According to a new study, people from both sighted and blind-and-low-visual communities report that audio representations of data enhanced the learning experience and inspired them to learn more about the universe.
Column: Education Matters: Inspiring the Sun-Earth Connection
Several years ago, the author incorporated astronomy and the connections between the Sun and Earth into a year-long physical science course. It was a successful experiment and captured his student's interest.
From the Archives: Creative Teaching with Astronomically Inspired Music
How incorporating music in astronomical teaching can not just reinforce science concepts, but it also expands students’ awareness of the creative aspects of music.
Column: A Little Learning: Poetry in Motion
Poets have long conveyed the ethereal experience of witnessing a total solar eclipse. Perhaps it’s time to give students something beyond diagrams and demonstrations, and let poetry accompany them.
Column: Education Matters: Science as a Creative Endeavour
Incorporating the arts into science curricula promotes deeper relationships with the natural world.
Column: A Little Learning: Radio Frequency Interference
How should you monitor cell phone use in the classroom? As you look around at the sea of heads in your classroom, face-down as they stare at the glowing device in their hands, you may be tempted to adopt a rigid approach. But maybe there’s a way to live with the interference.
Feature: The Sun, Moon, and You!
This guide will help you prepare yourself, students, friends, and neighbors — and provide tips on running events — for the April 2024 solar eclipse.
Column: Education Matters: Standing in the Shadow of the Moon
We are familiar with many types of shadows, but two of the most rare and exciting relate to the Moon’s and Earth’s shadows.
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