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Observing the Sun During Eclipses
It is rare for the track of a total eclipse to pass over sizable townships, and it is even more rare when it passes over a working observatory. Yet both of these circumstances came together February 16, 1980.
By M. R. Kundu
Editor's note: This feature article is a reprint, and originally appeared in Mercury's first decade. Thank you to Vandana Kaushik for the archival help.
Over 500 astronomers and astrophysicists in more than 15 centers along a 1500 km long track across India from Karwar to Puri waited with bated breath and tilted telescopes for the brief moments of totality. Alongside scientists gripped by an eclipse fever, millions of Indians waited with excitement, curiosity and a little fear. Tourists flocked to the corridor of darkness to watch the sky spectacle. Package tours dropped the last of the tourists at Karwar, the point in India where the Moon's shadow would land before sweeping through Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Mizoram. This was the grandest astronomical phenomenon seen in the area since the appearance of Halley's Comet in I910.
Eclipses of the Sun take place when our line of sight to the center of the Sun is intercepted by the Moon. A total eclipse occurs when the Moon completely blocks out the visible disk of the Sun. (It becomes an annular eclipse when the Moon is farther from Earth than normal and exposes a very small annulus of the Sun around its periphery.) On such occasions the sunlight shines through the valleys of the Moon causing the well-known phenomenon of "Baily's Beads" which were described by a Harvard expedition to Penobscot Bay in 1780, but explained by the amateur astronomer Francis Baily at the eclipse of 1836. When the Moon does an imperfect job of blocking the Sun's visible disk, we observe a partial eclipse that has only limited interest for astrophysics.
Although, according to historians, the earliest recorded eclipse goes back to 2137 B.C., the experience of an eclipse even today is truly dramatic, something which is very difficult to communicate and something that everyone should live through. An hour before totality there is almost no change in the surroundings. But as totality draws closer one begins to notice a significant decrease in the intensity of the light. A few minutes before totality the entire eclipse team becomes tense, because they are not sure how their equipment will behave.
Two to three minutes before totality, if one is located on hilly terrain or if there are clouds near the western horizon, one begins to notice the shadow approaching. The shadow moves in at a speed of about 800 meters per second (1800 mi/hr). If the atmosphere is not steady, a minute before totality one sees another phenomenon known as shadow bands. These are scintillation effects caused by the individual rays from the Sun's bright visible disk shining through the Moon's valleys. Each source produces a scintillation pattern, with the result that one sees a kind of rippling motion advancing on the ground. Eventually, one distinctly sees the shadow pass over and sweep directly overhead. If one is looking at the remaining crescent of the Sun through a pair of binoculars or a monocular with a transmission grating in front of it, one sees the "flash spectrum", which we will discuss in the next section. Then the chromosphere (so called for its chromatic display) blazes out in full glory, indicating that totality has started.
The duration of totality can be anywhere from a few seconds to seven minutes depending upon the eclipse and the location within the track (whether one is on the central line of totality or towards the edge). Then, before one realizes what has happened, the entire sequence of events is repeated in reverse. The degree of darkness during the totality depends upon the sky conditions and also varies from event to event. If one is fortunate enough to witness totality through a hole in the clouds, then it is likely to be quite dark. If, on the other hand, one is witnessing an eclipse of the Sun in an absolutely clear sky, it may be bright enough to read the time on one's wristwatch.
Observing a total eclipse is an inspiring and, at the same time, an awesome experience. It is a grand spectacle, because at the time of totality, when all the radiation of the photosphere — the visible surface — is cut off, one can see the outer region of the Sun — called its corona — in all its splendor. The corona changes its structure depending upon the solar activity cycle, so that it will look different for each eclipse. Furthermore, there may be red prominences standing out: the chromosphere can be seen as a sort of ruddy ring around the edge of the Sun.
On February 16, 1980, the sky was clear in Hyderabad and most other places in India, and the total eclipse viewed was a perfect textbook example. The corona was bright and circular, with the streamers emerging all around — typical of the maximum phase of the solar activity cycle.
Observing a total eclipse is an inspiring and, at the same time, an awesome experience. It is a grand spectacle.
Bill Livingston/NSO/AURA/NSF
Progress of solar physics through eclipse observations
The state of solar physics changed dramatically as a result of astronomical observations during eclipses, especially after the mid-nineteenth century. Prominences were reported as "red flames" at the eclipses ofl 706 and 1733, but not until 1851 were prominences correctly interpreted as gaseous clouds floating around in the Sun's corona. The chromosphere was described as a red burning sierra; and the corona was called a white glory seen out to a height of nearly half the Moon's diameter. The corona was reported to be different from eclipse to eclipse, but the eclipse of 1860 was the first (and perhaps only) one in which several different observers reported changes in coronal structure from widely separate places along the eclipse path. The sketches drawn by the observers show what solar physicists today call a "coronal transient", short-term variations usually visible only from spacecraft.
Following the year 1859, when the techniques of spectral analysis became available, a series of eclipses revolutionized our concept of solar physics. For example, in the eclipse of 1868 in India, it was discovered that the prominence spectrum was essentially one of emission lines, and that most of these emission lines coincided in position with the red and blue lines of hydrogen known to exist in absorption. It was also discovered that a bright yellow line exists close to where the normal sodium lines are commonly seen in laboratory spectra. The prominence spectra were so bright that they were subsequently observed by Pierre Janssen, a French astronomer, independent of eclipses. Janssen also noted that the yellow line did not coincide with the familiar position of the lines of sodium, but instead it was shifted more towards the violet. The significance of this was not realized at the time, but a few months later it was obvious that this line was due to some unknown element on the Sun. Since this was first seen on the Sun it was named after Helios, the Greek name for the Sun. Thirty-five years later, the first of the "rare" gases was isolated in the laboratory on Earth and was found to have this spectral line. Hence it was called helium, the "solar" gas.
The path of totality of the eclipse of 1868 included Guntur, a district very close to Palem (near Hyderabad), lying in the central path of totality of the present eclipse. It was here that Janssen established that one can actually examine several aspects of solar behavior without waiting for an eclipse. "And, therefore, in a sense, one can say that solar physics was born on the 17th August 1868, in the tobacco fields of Guntur", said Prof. M.K.V. Bappu, Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, and President of the International Astronomical Union.
In the total eclipse of 1869, observed in the U.S.A., Harkness and Young independently discovered the green coronal line whose true origin remained unknown for quite some time. Following the example of helium, it was called coronium and it was not until 1941 that Edlen realized that the green line originated from a transition in an iron atom that has lost thirteen of its outer electrons. This proved that the corona must have a temperature in the millions of degrees.
In the 1870 total eclipse observed in southern Spain and the northern coast of Africa, Young observed the flash spectrum after predicting the previous year that it should be visible. During the five or six seconds before totality, a bright flash is observed when emission lines are seen in the spectrum almost exactly where the absorption lines are. These lines were shown to arise in a layer only 1 to 2 thousand km thick above the visible surface of the Sun. In the 1871 total eclipse, again in India, Janssen, with a sixteen-inch telescope which gave him considerable light-gathering power, discovered what we now know as the Fraunhofer corona. The appearance in the corona of the same dark lines seen in the photosphere of the Sun proved that the corona was seen at least partially by reflected sunlight. In the eclipse of 1898 in West India, the famous solar physicist J. Evershed, using an ultraviolet spectrograph with quartz optics, obtained the flash spectrum and the coronal spectrum down to wavelengths as short as 3000A.
The contribution of eclipses to the radio physics of the Sun has not been as dramatic as its optical counterpart. This is primarily because when solar radio astronomy became firmly established in the mid-l 940s, we already had a fairly good idea of the physical nature of the Sun as an astrophysical object. In particular the macroscopic or global aspects of the Sun were beginning to be known. However, the radio observations during eclipses are potentially very important, because the radio emission does not come from the visible photosphere, but originates from higher levels in the Sun's atmosphere, the chromosphere, the corona and the transition region — precisely the atmosphere that is left after the Sun's disk is completely blocked by the Moon.
It is not surprising then that since 1950 radio astronomers have been in the forefront of several eclipse expeditions. In the 1952 eclipse in North Africa, from observations at meter wavelengths it was discovered that the radio corona had a shape which was not symmetrical like the optical Sun, but elliptical instead. The observations at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths made at this and other eclipses showed for the first time that the radio Sun was not uniformly bright from the center to the limb. Instead, the brightness increased sharply over an extent of 30 seconds of arc at the limb. Unfortunately, there has never been any unique interpretation for the radio eclipse data; but in spite of these theoretical difficulties, the current observations were used by astronomers to obtain the variation of electron temperature and density with height in the Sun's corona. Most importantly, the radio eclipse observations have demonstrated the immense complexity in the brightness distribution of the Sun; they have also shown the existence of fine structures on the disk and a mixture of cold and hot material in the low corona, similar to what one observes at optical and ultraviolet wavelengths. However, since the radio emissions originate from different physical conditions, (temperature, density and magnetic field), the radio observations have proved to be extremely valuable and complementary to the optical and ultraviolet observations.
This white-light image was captured during the February 16, 1980, solar eclipse. The outflowing so-called "helmet streamers" emit from the solar limb as a wide structure, and then stream away, ending as a point. These streamers encircle the Sun's disk.
[High Altitude Observatory]
The 1980 eclipse in India
The general theme of all eclipse measurements is, of course, to find something new about the chromosphere and the corona. A large number of experimental teams from many different nations, including the U.S.A., Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Japan and France, participated in the 1980 eclipse observations. The U.S. teams had several interesting and sophisticated experiments, ranging from precise quantitative measurements of short-term light variations or shadow bands caused by the Earth's atmosphere to the search for 3.5 micron thermal infrared emission which would indicate that larger silicate particles from comets slowly spiral in toward the Sun. Searches were also carried out to detect short period ( ~ 1 second) coronal oscillations and infrared coronal lines. Other studies included measurements of mass flow in coronal magnetic loops, and in the corona itself, as well as spectrophotometry of prominences. Several Indian experiments, especially those of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, were rather sophisticated, measuring the spectrum of the chromosphere ("flash" spectrum), the distribution of the Hydrogen-alpha line in the corona, and the spectra of spicules (tiny spikes starting from the chromosphere and jutting into the corona) considered to be responsible for the transfer of energy from the Sun to the coronal region.
There were two radio experiments: (1) to measure the brightness of the Sun's limb at centimeter wavelengths (11, 3, 1. 6 and 1. 3 cm) using dishes of 5 to 10 ft diameter and (2) to detect limb and disk fine structure at 327 and 1600 MHz from partial eclipse measurements with the Ooty radio telescope. Besides these solar physics experiments, there were ionospheric experiments both from ground based equipment as well as from rockets and a variety of meteorological experiments.
Experiments on animal, plant, and human behavior
In addition to the purely astronomical work, experiments were also conducted in Hyderabad and Madras by neurosurgeons to study the effect of the eclipse on the brains of meditators — normal human beings as well as people with disturbed brain function. Experiments were conducted to determine whether the eclipse would affect pregnant women (although we know that they are not affected by many natural phenomena like sun-up, sundown, full Moon, etc.). Observations were made of the effects of eclipses on mentally subnormal children, epileptics, neurotics and heart patients, by comparing these effects with their previous records as well as with others'. (The children were observed for behavioral changes, overactivity, confusion, etc., while for the epileptics doctors noted the number of fits, excitement, or violence.) Mental patients under study at hospitals in Trivandram, Yeravada and Madras were unaffected. Similarly, no abnormal behavior was noticed among wild animals in Victoria Gardens Zoo in Bombay or the Alipur Zoo in Calcutta. According to Osmania University's Zoology Department, during the eclipse monkeys started taking rest, sitting facing west as they normally do during sunset; also rabbits and guinea pigs did not take food. In Poona, 40 thousand extra-special visitors (honey bees) were used to study how bees signal to each other with the help of the Sun about the presence of a pollen nectar in a particular place.
Scientists of the Zoological Survey in India said that as the light dimmed, birds from all corners of the botanical gardens started returning to their nests. As the eclipse approached its peak, species of migratory birds floating in the lake began to form separate groups just as they normally do prior to roosting. According to one expert, food habits of many animals and birds were affected by the eclipse. It seems that most of the birds circled restlessly and then returned hurriedly to their nests during the eclipse, but flew away again as soon as it became brighter; the bird calls during this time were similar to their early morning calls. Several cocks started crowing from a distance; goats and other animals were running aimlessly. Some flowers were seen closing their petals during the totality as they do at sunset.
Super-heated hydrogen gas flings from the Sun's surface in what's called a prominence. Such structures are visible during totality through binoculars or even the unaided eye, because this is when the lunar disk blocks the Sun's brilliant light from our view.
Mystic India — coexistence of science and tradition
India's progress in science and technology is second only to the most advanced countries of the West, yet India is also mystic, religious and traditional. Thus, as Indian and foreign scientists were readying their most modern equipment to study the great celestial phenomenon, traditional India was making its own preparations for the event in keeping with timehonored customs. Orthodox pundits performed traditional Vedic rituals and special prayers were held in temples and homes to ward off feared adverse consequences of the eclipse. The young children were initiated in the Vedas on the eclipse day, considered auspicious for the purpose.
While most radio stations were broadcasting instructions on "DO's and DON'Ts" of eclipse viewing, local newspapers were publishing stories ranging from scientific explanations of the eclipse to astrological predictions and traditional wisdom. One astrologer predicted earthquakes accompanied by cyclones and floods in northern, southern and northeastern India. Mr. B.V. Raman, Editor of the Astrological Magazine, announced that earthquakes would occur in Assam, Iran, Greece anti Los Angeles shortly before February 16.
The solar eclipse is a very significant event for religious Hindus who are accustomed to take holy dips in the Ganges during the eclipse. The pilgrims traveled all the way to Kurukshetra — the holy battleground of Mahabharata — to have a dip in the sacred tank "Brahmo Sarover", an act considered to confer "Moksha" or "Nirvana". Naturally, the water of the tank rose as half a million pilgrims simultaneously dipped for a bath. The town of Kurukshetra turned into an eclipse capital with an influx of 3-5 million pilgrims who arrived by special trains and 1200 special buses from all parts of the country.
The Government of India made a massive effort to educate the public via newspapers, television and radio on the phenomenon of the total Solar eclipse, including the physiological effects it might cause if not viewed properly. In a country like India, it was unavoidable that the astrologers' predictions would occupy prominent space in the newspapers. Such predictions of ill omens during the eclipse combined with the legitimate warning by the media not to look at the Sun with the naked eye confused many people, who stayed indoors while the celestial spectacle took place. But most of the people located in the path of totality were amply rewarded, and the solar astronomers had a splendid opportunity to do their experiments. Certainly these experiments will contribute toward a better understanding of the physics of the Solar phenomena. ✰
Archived Acknowledgement from the author: I wish to thank the Smithsonian Institution for granting me a Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program (SFCP) award, which made my eclipse trip to India possible. I have benefitted from numerous discussions with Professor M.K.V. Bappu, Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India.)
(Originally published in the July / August 1981 issue
Makul R. Kundu (1930-2010) was a solar physicist and radio astronomer.
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